USA Four Corners Tour
There are two different USA Four Corner Tours: the “Regular” and the “True X.” The cost is the same for either ride, and you decide which ride you want to do. The Starter’s Package will contain the materials for either ride. We will review your completion of either ride once we receive your Finisher’s Package.
You have 21 days (or less) to ride your motorcycle (or trike) to these Four Corner cities of the United States: San Ysidro, CA; Blaine, WA; Madawaska, ME; and Key West, FL, using any route and sequence you desire. You do not have to return to the first corner to finish the event.
The ride is approximately 7000 miles (depending on your route), not including your travel to the first corner and your ride home from your final corner. Your ride commences with the date and time indicated on your first gas receipt obtained at the Four Corners city from where you elect to start. The finish date and time on a receipt from the final corner’s gas station, restaurant, or store will be used to calculate the elapsed time of your journey.
USA “True -X- Tour”
This ride was introduced in 2011. Ride your motorcycle from one of the Four Corners of the United States to the geographical center of the USA in Lebanon, Kansas. Then, ride to one of the remaining three corners and back to Lebanon, Kansas. Next, ride to one of the two remaining corners, then back to Lebanon, Kansas, and finally ride to the fourth corner to complete the ride. Complete this ride in 26 days or less and become a USA Four Corners True X finisher. If you finish the True X in 21 days or less, your name will be displayed in Gold on the finisher’s list. Upon validation, you will receive a specially designed True X pin, towel, hat, decal, and plaque for this astounding accomplishment. The ride is approximately 11,000 miles (depending on your route), not including your travel distance to the first corner and your ride home from the final corner.
Starter’s Package
You will receive a starter’s package that includes rules, a checklist, four corner maps, towel clips, a Four Corners pin, and a hat. Photograph yourself with the embroidered towel and your motorcycle at any of the USA Four Corner landmarks, or a total of seven locations if completing the TRUE X, for submission of evidence of your being at the corner.
MAIL these forms from home AFTER completing the ride. Return ALL forms, gas receipts from each corner, and a photograph of you and your motorcycle with the numbered towel at a corner landmark. These should be mailed as a complete package when you return from the tour.
Riders successfully having their ride approved will receive a Finisher’s Patch, Four Corners Decal, and a personalized plaque documenting their completion of the ride. True X Finishers also receive a True X hat, True X pin, and a True X Finisher’s decal. The True X plaque will identify their True X ride rather than the regular tour.
The USA Four Corners Tour is truly a world-class event. Be one of the less than 200 people a year to complete this ride.

Learn more about the USA Four Corners Tour at the Southern California Motorcycle Association’s website.
Have FUN riding your USA Four Corners Tour!